We at the National College Attainment Network (NCAN) have had many recent questions from our member organizations about the privacy protections that are in place for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) contributors without Social Security
numbers. Although the Higher Education Act prohibits the use of data for any purpose other than determining and awarding federal financial assistance, at this time NCAN cannot assure mixed-status students and families that data submitted to US Department
of Education, as part of the FAFSA process, will continue to be protected. We share this opinion in light of the priorities publicly outlined by the incoming administration and based on our understanding of FAFSA data and agency practices.
We believe mixed-status families should make a considered decision about whether to submit identifying information to the federal government in an FSA ID or FAFSA. This guidance may be particularly relevant to mixed-status families who would be participating
in the federal aid application process for the first time. NCAN understands the grave ramifications of this guidance and deeply regrets that we feel it is necessary to issue it.
NCAN believes in the transformative power of education and the incredible potential of these students who are US citizens and fully entitled to federal student aid. It is dreadful that students and families have been put in a position of potentially choosing
between their safety and the pursuit of postsecondary education. NCAN will continue to seek out and advocate for policy alternatives to support higher education for all.