State Policy Priorities

NCAN's State Policy Priorities

States have a role to play in creating a more equitable postsecondary system.

The National College Attainment Network's (NCAN) state policy agenda is a set of core strategies to promote equitable access, affordability, and attainment in postsecondary education. These policy proposals are informed by our members across the country, many of whom work directly with students on a regular basis.

States can play a significant role in creating affordable higher education opportunities for all students. For example, state grant aid should be prioritized to students with the most limited financial resources.

Moreover, states should ensure that students can complete their education in a timely manner and work to remedy the existing pitfalls that prevent far too many students from crossing the graduation stage.

Policies to Create Opportunity for All Students


Universal FAFSA Completion with Supports

Data show FAFSA completion increases the likelihood of enrollment and persistence in higher education. States should require FAFSA completion for high school graduation, with a robust opt-out option for students with special circumstances. And counselors, advisers, and students should be provided with the supports needed to meet the requirement.


Need-Based Student Aid

The price of higher education is ever rising, and students are bearing a greater proportion of this burden. Meanwhile, attainment is more important now than ever before. Unfortunately, students with limited resources have far worse outcomes than those from higher-income families. States can support students who may not have the financial means by investing in need-based aid.


Equitable Free College

"Free college" has become a major policy discussion at the state and federal levels. Generally, states have implemented "free college" programs that cover the full cost of tuition and fees at a public, in-state, two-year (and, in a some cases, a four-year) institution. An example of a more equitable approach would be for states to implement a "first-dollar" program.


Undocumented Students

Students brought to the US as children deserve the chance to complete their education, but they face unique barriers to college access and affordability. To best support these students, for example, states should allow undocumented students to pay in-state tuition and provide need-based aid for those who are income-eligible.


State Higher Education Funding

Tuition at public colleges depends on what states allocate for higher education, with students paying more when state investment falls or fails to keep pace with inflation. The unpredictability of state budget processes can also make it difficult for students to budget for the cost of college and risks negatively impacting college persistence.


Protecting & Promoting DEI

Attacks on higher education DEI initiatives across the country put at risk the wellbeing, safety, and sense of belonging among students of color. We oppose efforts to eliminate DEI initiatives and instead encourage policymakers to redouble their commitment to enhancing diversity to help narrow persistent gaps in college access and completion. 


Building Momentum at the State Level: NCAN Members Share Policy Priorities

NCAN commissioned a study in partnership with the Education Commission of the States to survey NCAN members in several states regarding postsecondary education policy priorities.

Read the Full Report

Below are the individual profiles for each of the six participating states.




Four NCAN member organizations in California participated in interviews to discuss state postsecondary access and attainment policy. Interviewees expressed that they felt a strong connection to NCAN’s state policy priorities and that virtually all are a high priority in California, except for equitable free college.



It was evident that leaders in Florida were focused on workforce efforts, specifically career and technical education and rapid credentialization, with all three organizations mentioning both issues. Interviewees also discussed accountability and performance-based funding in the context of access and attainment.


New York

NCAN members interviewed in New York consistently identified two themes as top priorities: affordability, including a broader definition of the true cost of college and ongoing advocacy for sufficient state financial aid; and holistic student supports, such as basic needs, closing the digital divide, and attention to student mental health.



Three NCAN member organizations participated in interviews regarding postsecondary access and attainment policy in Ohio. Interviewees identified several policy priorities in the state - notably, FAFSA completion and college affordability. These policy issues and emerging trends aligned with NCAN’s state policy priorities.



Each of the Tennessee organizations identified Tennessee Promise as the centerpiece of postsecondary affordability conversations within the state. Members also identified access and affordability for undocumented students as a policy priority, while noting the state’s challenging political context for this topic.



The Texas state profile consisted of interviews with four NCAN member organizations. Common priorities identified included postsecondary affordability, need-based aid, and postsecondary funding. There was a strong consensus that the economic factors of the college-going process are limiting access and attainment in the state.


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Looking for tools to help your organization take its advocacy work to the next level? NCAN offers several advocacy resources, including how-to guides, volunteer opportunities, and more.

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