K-12 Resources for Postsecondary Transitions

High Schools Can Change Students' Postsecondary Pathways

Access to postsecondary education in the United States isn't equitable.

Students from low-income backgrounds are only half as likely to complete a postsecondary certificate or degree by age 26 as high-income students. Moreover, students of color and those who are the first in their family to attend college experience disproportionately lower rates of postsecondary success.

K-12 districts and schools can change students' trajectories after high school graduation.

But they can't do it alone. NCAN and our members across the country partner with districts and schools every day to assist students with their postsecondary transitions.

Below, find great resources for starting, improving, or expanding a district or school's postsecondary transition supports. These are divided by different high-impact practices.

Want to learn more? Contact NCAN. We'd love to help!

Ready to Create, Change, or Improve a District or School's Postsecondary Practices? Start Here.


OneGoal's Postsecondary Readiness Rubrics

Districts and schools can improve their work around postsecondary advising by measuring themselves on seven different focus areas. Great for teambuilding!


NCAN's College & Career Readiness Calendar

A 15-month calendar for planning district and school college and career readiness activities. Color-coded by topic and with links to great resources for each activity.


StudentTracker for High Schools

Understanding where students go after high school graduation is key to improving postsecondary outcomes. The National Student Clearinghouse's StudentTracker for High Schools service is an easy, affordable way to see student-level outcomes.


New Districtwide Approaches to Student Success Beyond High School

This brief examines five school districts and partner organizations using big ideas to improve their students' postsecondary outcomes and discusses steps for replication for others who want to do the same.


Key Approaches for Supporting Postsecondary Transitions


Transforming Postsecondary Advising

Explore best practices and strategies for postsecondary advising. Strategies for connecting students and families with the information they need, with an emphasis on incorporating postsecondary fit and match.


Using Data to Educate Students and Inform Services

Good data and good practice go hand-in-hand. Collecting data on key postsecondary milestones and examining data from the National Student Clearinghouse are key steps to improving students' outcomes.


Increasing FAFSA Completion

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the key that unlocks financial aid that makes postsecondart pathways possible for many students. Use NCAN's FAFSA Resource Library to learn about approaches that have worked across the country.


Reducing Summer Melt and Ensuring Matriculation

Summer melt is a phenomenon that keeps college-intending students from showing up on-campus after high school graduation. Districts and schools can reduce summer melt and ease postsecondary transitions.


Reach Out to NCAN and Our Members

For 25 years, NCAN has been making postsecondary access and attainment more equitable. Our members across the country partner with districts, schools, and other stakeholders every day to expertly deliver services and supports.

Want to learn more about improving postsecondary transitions? Want to be connected with an NCAN member program? We'd love to hear from you.
